Do you know? Currently, the number of Thai people suffering from critical illnesses have been continuously increasing, and the most worrying things are medical expenses that have risen every year. Would it be better…if we prepare to cope with such risks starting from today? BLA Super Care enables you to cope with critical illnesses at any time.
Issued age
1 – 65 years old
Coverage period
Until the age of 80
Critical Illnesses Coverage
6 groups of critical illnesses, totally 47 diseases
Up to 100% per 1 group of disease*
Maximum coverage** of 600%
(% of the sum assured)
*If firstly diagnosed by a doctor as one of the critical illness groups, receives a maximum benefit of 100% of the sum assured. When the company has fully paid the benefits, the coverage for that critical illness group will immediately cease. In the event that the company has not yet paid the benefit or has not paid the full benefit of 100% of the sum assured, the coverage for that critical illness group will remain effective the remaining benefit will be equivalent to the sum assured subtracted by the amount of benefits that the company has already paid (if any).
**Receive coverage for critical illnesses up to 600% of the sum assured (including the case that the insured suffering from critical illnesses in Group 6 firstly occurred before reaching the age of 17 years old)
The coverage period and premium payment period are one year. The policy may be renewed for a period equivalent to the coverage period of life insurance contract, up to the age of 79 years old.
BLA Super Care Rider must be purchased with a life insurance contract with a minimum sum assured of 100,000 baht
The minimum sum assured for BLA Super Care Rider is 100,000 baht, which can be purchased for more than one rider, provided that the total amount of sum assured for all riders must not exceed 10,000,000 baht, and when combined with other critical illness riders, the total amount sum assured must not exceed 10,000,000 baht per insured.
Be able to purchase with a new policy or an existing policy that remains effective
Health check-ups are in accordance with the company’s underwriting criteria
View Critical Illnesses Coverage
BLA Super Care Rider covering 6 groups of critical illnesses, totally 47 diseases
Group 1 : Cancer and tumor
Invasive Cancer
Benign Brain Tumor
Group 2 : Cardiovascular and consequences
Acute Heart Attack
Stroke Requiring Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery
Surgery to Aorta
Coronary Artery Disease Requiring Angioplasty
Stroke Treatment by Carotid Angioplasty and Stent Placement
Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment by Endovascular Coiling
Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Major Stroke
Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Brain Surgery
Open Heart Surgery for the Heart Valve
Group 3 : Diseases of organs and main function system
Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease / End-stage Lung Disease
Major Organs Transplantation or Bone Marrow Transplantation
Progressive Scleroderma or Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis/Scleroderma
Alzheimer’s Disease
Loss of Speech
Apallic Syndrome or Vegetative State
Loss of Hearing
Motor Neuron Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
Muscular Dystrophy
Group 6 : Critical illnesses first occurring before the assured fully attains the age of 17 years
Rheumatic Fever with Heart Involvement
Acquired Hydrocephalus Requiring an External Shunt
Kawasaki Disease with Heart Complications
Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage
A 35-year-old male purchases the BLA Pun Suk 80/20 Life Insurance and the BLA Super Care Rider, with the rider’s sum assured of 1,000,000 baht and the annual premium of 2,300 baht.
Benefits of BLA Super Care Rider
Amount (Baht)
Sum assured
Annual premium for rider
After 90 days from the effective date, suffering from Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (Group 1)
Subsequently, suffering from a Hemorrhagic Stroke (Group 2)
Total Benefits Received
Note: From the example, the coverage for critical illnesses in Groups 1 and 2 will terminate. However, the coverage for other critical illnesses under this rider that the company has not yet paid the benefits or has not paid 100% of sum assured will remain in force.
Click to View Coverage Exclusions
BLA Super Care Rider will not cover any critical illnesses or abnormalities that a doctor confirms and has a clear evidence related to a critical illness covered under this rider, which occurs within 90 days from the effective date of rider.
BLA Super Care Rider does not cover any critical illnesses that arise directly or indirectly, entirely or partially due to the following causes:
Symptoms of the critical illness or the critical illness occurred prior to the effective date of rider
HIV infection, or AIDS
Suicide, suicide attempt, or self-inflicted injuries
Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
If the insured makes any misrepresentation in the insurance application, the company may decline the coverage and terminate the policy within 2 years from the policy effective date
BLA Super Care Rider premium can be used for personal tax income up to a maximum of 25,000 baht per year. When combined with a life insurance premium, the total amount must not exceed 100,000 baht per year, in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department No. 383 and 172 respectively.
Premium may be adjusted based on several factors such as individual’s age, health risk profile, and occupation
For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.