Happy Saving 15/7

An endowment policy, build a stable life that meets your needs with comprehensive coverages and valuable benefits.

Happy Saving 15/7
Issued age
Newborn – 84
Happy Saving 15/7
Premium payment period
7 years
Happy Saving 15/7
Life coverage up to
Happy Saving 15/7
Total guaranteed benefits throughout the contract
Happy Saving 15/7
  • Issued age: Newborn - 84 years
  • Minimum sum assured: 50,000 baht
  • Premium payment mode: Annually
  • Underwriting is in accordance with the underwriting conditions of the company
  • Additional riders can be purchased, according to the conditions set by the company
  • In the case of not purchasing additional riders, no examination and no health questions are required
Click to view Benefits and Coverage
Survival Benefits Death Benefits
On the 1st - 14th policy anniversary, receive 7% cash return The 1st policy year, receive 100%
On the maturity date, receive 727% cash return The 2nd policy year, receive 200%
Total benefits throughout the contract of 825% The 3rd policy year, receive 300%
  The 4th policy year, receive 400%
  The 5th policy year, receive 500%
  The 6th policy year, receive 600%
  The 7th - 15th policy year, receive 700%
(% of the sum assured)
click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

A 35-year-old male in good health would like to purchase a Happy Saving 15/7 with a 100,000 baht sum assured. He pays an annual premium of 98,900 baht and has a personal income tax rate of 20 percent throughout the contract period.

Unit: baht

Policy Year Annual premium
(Beginning of policy year)
Cash return benefit (At policy anniversary) Life coverage Cash surrender value Total eligible cash return before maturity Tax benefits
% of the sum assured Amount % of the sum assured Amount
1 98,900 7% 7,000 100% 100,000 19,500 26,500 19,780
2 98,900 7% 7,000 200% 200,000 68,000 82,000 19,780
3 98,900 7% 7,000 300% 300,000 166,200 187,200 19,780
4 98,900 7% 7,000 400% 400,000 252,100 280,100 19,780
5 98,900 7% 7,000 500% 500,000 353,200 388,200 19,780
6 98,900 7% 7,000 600% 600,000 426,800 468,800 19,780
7 98,900 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 501,100 550,100 19,780
8 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 498,500 554,500 -
9 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 495,900 558,900 -
10 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 493,100 563,100 -
11 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 490,300 567,300 -
12 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 487,400 571,400 -
13 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 484,400 575,400 -
14 - 7% 7,000 700% 700,000 481,200 579,200 -
15 - 727% 727,000 700% 700,000 485,000 825,000 -
Total 692,300 825% 825,000 - - - - 138,460
  • The value of cash return benefits, cash surrender value, and eligible cash return before maturity of the contract are based on the value calculated on policy anniversary
  • The eligible cash return before maturity is the sum of the cumulative amount of received cash return and the amount of cash surrender value, calculated on policy anniversary. However, the insured will be assigned the cash surrender value only at the surrender date.

Unit : baht

Summary of tax deduction benefits throughout the contract Before tax deduction After tax deduction
  1. Total premiums paid: 7 years
692,300 553,840
  1. Cash return benefits on the 1st – 14th policy anniversary, totaling 14 times
98,000 98,000
  1. Maturity benefit on the 15th policy anniversary
727,000 727,000
  1. Benefits throughout the contract (2.+3.)
825,000 825,000
Total benefit that exceeds the total premiums paid (4.-1.) 132,700 271,160

Secured Financial Planning for a Sustainable Future

Example A 35-year-old male in good health would like to purchase a Happy Saving 15/7 with a coverage period of 15 years and premium payment period of 7 years. His sum assured is 100,000 baht. He pays an annual premium of 98,900 baht and has a personal income tax rate of 20 percent throughout the contract period.


1. Living until the maturity date

Happy Saving 15/7

2. Death while the policy is effective (Example of death during the 8th policy year)

Happy Saving 15/7
Click to View Coverage Exclusions
  • In the event that the insured does not disclose the true statement or makes a false statement, the company will void the contract within two years from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part. Unless the insured does not have a stake in the insured event, or the declaration of age is inaccurate that the actual age is outside the normal trade premium rate limit.
  • In the event the insured commits suicide within one year from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part, or if murdered by the beneficiary.


  • Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  • Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  • A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting and benefits payment consideration
  • For maximum benefits from the policy, the insured should pay premiums until the premium payment period completes and hold the policy until its maturity
  • Happy Saving 15/7 premium and health premium (if any) is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  • Happy Saving 15/7 is a marketing name of BLA Happy Saving 15/7

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.