BLA Happy Health - UDR

Good Health…Good Life

A good life...begins with good physical and mental health. Bangkok Life Assurance wishes to see you be out and live every day with peace of mind and stay worry-free. We are ready to be by your side, to take care of you in every moment. We protect you through your times of illness and provide you with comprehensive health services, so that you are ready to run towards your desired goals and harvest the happiness to the fullest in every step of your life.

Because taking good care of your the source of prosperity and sustainability in life.

Click to view information of UDR Rider

The Unit Deducting Rider (UDR) is a rider that is designed to be attached to BLA Premier Link, which is a Unit Linked life insurance policy. This rider has a Cost of insurance (COI) payment that deducted from the auto-redemption value of investment units on a monthly basis, at the redemption price, proportionate to the holding of investment units. The target premium for the rider to pay the insurance premium from the sale of investment units will be calculated together with the regular premium. After deducting the policy fee(1), the remaining regular premium will be invested in the selected fund.

When purchased with a BLA Premier Link, a Unit Linked life insurance policy, the rider offers:

BLA Happy Health – UDR

Long-term financial planning

Enjoy the regular premiums. This eliminates age-related increases, making long-term financial planning and asset management easier and more convenient.

BLA Happy Health – UDR

Freedom to customize your own investment portfolio

Flexibly adjust your investment portfolio to your acceptable level of risk by choosing from our selection of professionally curated mutual funds.

BLA Happy Health – UDR

Higher opportunities in earning higher returns

Boost your return potential through mutual funds investment. Your remaining premium, after covering the policy fee, will be invested in your chosen options.

BLA Happy Health – UDR

Tax deductible

Cost of Insurance (COI), Premium Charge, and Policy administration fee is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department.

(1) Policy fees consist of: Premium Charge, Policy administration fee, and Cost of Insurance, which is a combination Cost of Insurance of life coverage and Cost of Insurance of additional riders

Happy Health UDR
Coverage period until age of 99
Coverage period until age of 99(1)
Maximum total benefit per confinement up to 10 million baht
Maximum total benefit per confinement up to 10 million baht(2)
Hospital room fees coverage in a standard single room
Hospital room fees coverage in a standard single room(3)
Freedom to choose your own protection plan with / without deductible
Freedom to choose your own protection plan with / without deductible(4)
Premiums stay fixed
Premiums stay fixed(5)
Coverage for Kidney dialysis, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy
Coverage for Kidney dialysis, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy
Coverage for Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke
Coverage for Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke(6)
Daily compensation
Daily compensation(7)

(1) So long as investment unit redemption value covers Premium Charge, Policy administration fee, and the Cost of Insurance
(2) Maximum total benefit per confinement caused by illness or general injuries under Plan 4
(3) “Standard single room" means the starting price for an inpatient private room at a hospital
(4) “Deductible” means to the initial part of the loss that the insured must be responsible according to the terms of the insurance contract or the insured can reimburse from the organization's health welfare and/or other insurance.
(5) The regular premium is a combination of life coverage insurance premiums and Unit Deduction Rider Target Premium. However, Cost of Insurance may be adjusted at policy anniversary based on several factors such as age, the rising medical treatment costs, or the overall compensation payment experience of the portfolio of this additional rider.
(6) Maximum total benefit per confinement from cancer, cardiovascular disease, or stroke under Plan 4
(7) Additional benefits in the case of choosing a no-deductible plan and without exercising rights to claim benefits in the case of inpatients with health insurance BLA Happy Health – UDR

  • Issued age: 11-80 years
  • Coverage period: Until age of 99
  • Premium payment period: Until age of 99
  • Premium payment mode: Annually, Semi-annually, Quarterly, monthly
  • Must be purchased attaching to BLA Premier Link with premium payment in regular installments (Unit Linked) only. The insured can purchase BLA Happy Health - UDR rider on the effective date of the policy only
  • The health examination is in accordance with the company's insurance underwriting criteria.
Click to view Benefits and Coverage

Unit : Baht

Benefits Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4
Maximum total benefit per confinement from illness or general injuries 500,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000
Maximum total benefit per confinement from cancer, cardiovascular disease, or stroke. 550,000 1,100,000 5,500,000 11,000,000
1. In-patient benefits
Group 1 Room and board fees and hospital service fees (inpatient) per confinement as an inpatient, up to 180 days Standard Single Room
In the event that the insured is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), room and board fees and hospital services fees (inpatient) will be paid in full up to 60 days. With all the amount to days in Category 1 included, the benefits are up to 180 days. As charged
Group 2 Medical service fees for diagnosis or treatment, blood transfusion service and blood component fees, nursing service fees, medicine fees, parenteral nutrition fees, and medical supplies fees per confinement as an inpatient.  
Subgroup 2.1 Medical service fees for diagnosis As charged
Subgroup 2.2 Medical service fees for treatment, blood services and blood component, and nursing service
Subgroup 2.3 Medicine, intravenous nutrition and medical supplies
Subgroup 2.4 Take-home medicine and medical supplies (Medical Supply 1), not exceeding 7 days 5,000 20,000 20,000 50,000
Group 3 Medical professional fees (Doctor) for examination and treatment per confinement as an inpatient (up to 180 days) As charged
Group 4 Medical service fees for surgery and surgical procedures per one confinement as an inpatient
Subgroup 4.1 Medical expense for operation (surgery) and procedures per policy year
Subgroup 4.2 Operating or medical procedure room
Subgroup 4.3 Medicine, intravenous nutrition, medical supplies and surgical devices
Subgroup 4.4 Fees for medical professional services of surgery & procedure physician (and assistant) (Doctor fee)
Subgroup 4.5 Fees for medical professional service of anesthetist (Doctor fee)
Group 5 Medical expenses for organ transplantation are covered as charged
2. Out-patient benefits
Group 6 Medical service fees for diagnostic examinations before and after a directly related inpatient confinement or medical fees for outpatient follow-up treatments after being discharged from a directly related to a confinement as an inpatient 1,000 2,000 2,000 10,000
Subgroup 6.1 Medical service fees for diagnostic examinations before and after a directly related to a confinement as an inpatient, within 30 days
Subgroup 6.2 Medical fees for outpatient follow-up treatments after being discharged from a directly related confinement as an inpatient, within 30 days (excluding diagnostic examination fees).
Group 7 Outpatient medical service fees in case of injuries, within 24 hours from an accident per event Not covered 10,000
Group 8 Rehabilitation fees after a confinement as an inpatient, per one time per policy year Not covered
Group 9 Medical service fees for the treatment of chronic kidney disease by kidney dialysis through the blood vessels, per policy year 50,000 100,000 100,000 200,000
Group 10 Medical service fees for the treatment of cancer and tumor by radiotherapy, interventional radiology and nuclear medicine, per policy year
Group 11 Medical service fees for cancer treatment by chemotherapy and cancer cells targeted therapy, per policy year
Group 12 Emergency ambulance service fee As charged
Group 13 Medical service fees for minor surgery
Deductible per confinement - 30,000 50,000 - 30,000 50,000 100,000 - 30,000 50,000 100,000 - 30,000 50,000 100,000
Extended clauses
Daily medical compensation for confinement without claiming inpatient benefits under BLA Happy Health - UDR with no deductible, up to 10 days per policy year 1,000 - - 2,000 - - - 2,000 - - - 2,000 - - -
The company will pay benefits for covered expenses incurred due to reasonably and medically necessary treatment. These benefits will not exceed the maximum amounts listed in the Table of Benefits.
Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

Example A 35-year-old woman who wants to plan finances in the long term, especially in terms of long-term health protection. She applies for BLA Happy Health rider – UDR Plan 4 (with Deductible of 100,000 baht). This insurance offers coverage benefit of up to 10 million baht per confinement and is attached to BLA Premier Link Unit Linked insurance. She pays premiums in regular installments (Unit Linked), providing both coverage and investment flexibility. Furthermore, fixed premiums for health coverage offer peace of mind and financial planning stability throughout the contract period.

BLA Happy Health - UDR

(1) Unit Deduction Rider Target Premium
(2) Maximum total benefit per confinement caused by illness or general injuries. However, the benefit amount must not exceed the benefits specified in the Table of Benefits for each coverage category under BLA Happy Health - UDR rider Plan 4
(3) So long as investment unit redemption value covers the premium charge, the policy administration fee, and the cost of insurance. However, the conditions for premium holiday are as specified in the BLA Premier Link Unit-Linked Life Insurance Policy.

Click to View Coverage Exclusions

BLA Happy Health – UDR Rider

Pre-existing medical conditions before the effective date
for any chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) which has not been fully cured prior to the first effective date of this rider except;

  • The insured has disclosed the pre-existing conditions to the company and the company has agreed to accept the risk without the coverage exclusion; or
  • Chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) is asymptomatic, has not been treated or diagnosed by a doctor, or has not been seen or consulted by a doctor within 5 years prior to the first effective date of the rider and during 3 years from the date this rider becomes effective for the first time

Waiting Period

  • Any illnesses occurring within 30 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later or
  • Any of the following illnesses occurring within 120 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later such as
Tumors, cysts, or any type of cancer Hemorrhoid All types of hernia Pterygium or cataract
Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy All types of stones Varicose veins in the legs Endometriosis
  • Tumors, cysts, or any type of cancer
  • Hemorrhoid
  • All types of hernia
  • Pterygium or cataract
  • Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy
  • All types of stones
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Endometriosis

BLA Happy Health - UDR Rider

This plan excludes coverage for any medical expenses or damages caused by injury, illness (including complications), or any resulting symptoms or abnormal conditions caused by:

  1. Conditions that are caused by congenital abnormalities, or congenital organ system defects, or genetic disorders, or growth development abnormalities.
  2. Diagnosis and treatment or cosmetic surgery or skin treatments, acne, melasma spots, freckles, dandruff, hair fall, or weight control, or optional surgery, except the construction of wound was caused by an accident under coverage.
  3. Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, pregnant complications, infertility (including analysis and treatment), sterilization or birth control.
  4. Commit Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury
  5. Injury sustaining while the Insured is under the influence of alcohol, addictive substance, narcotic drugs to the extent that the persons faculties to operate are materially and appreciably impaired. The term “under the influence of alcohol” in case of having a blood test refers to a blood/alcohol level of 150 milligram percent and over.

The company may adjust rider premiums on the policy anniversary date due to various factors, including:

  • Age and occupation of each insured person
  • Rising medical costs or the overall claim payment experience of the portfolio for this rider. The company will notify the insured in writing by registered mail or other means agreed upon by the insured at least 30 days in advance


  1. Please understand the details of the coverage, conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage, conditions and exclusions will be specified in the policy issued to the policyholder.
  2. Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Collection of insurance premiums by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only.
  3. Mutual funds are distinct legal entities separate from the life insurance company and the asset management companies. Consequently, the life insurance company and the asset management companies are not obliged to compensate for losses sustained by the funds under the unit linked insurance plan and shall not take advantage of the fund’s assets for the settlement of their own debts.
  4. Returns on your investment depend on the performance of the investment funds you choose from the available options within the policy. Unlike a traditional cash deposit, investing in investment units involves risks. You may experience returns that are higher or lower than your initial investment, and there is no guarantee of receiving money from selling your units within the stated timeframe. This policy does not provide insurance for investment losses.
  5. As this policy is designed for long-term financial goals, it's crucial for the insured to carefully assess their ability to maintain premium payments over time. Early withdrawal or surrendering the policy incurs fees that may result in receiving a lower amount than the initial investment. Please consult the Policy fee table for specific surrender charges and potential decreases in value to ensure this policy aligns with your financial goals.
  6. This policy is designed for long-term savings. To maximize the potential benefits, regularly monitor the policy's value and the performance of the underlying investment units. Maintaining the policy until its maturity date optimizes the potential returns.
  7. The insured should carefully review the section on investment risks in the mutual funds prospectus.
  8. Past performance of the funds is not an indication of future performance.
  9. This policy requires long-term, periodic premium payments in regular installments. Any deduction to regular premiums, or suspension of premium payment ahead of schedule, partially withdrawing cash from the policy, or surrendering the policy in the short term may negatively impact to your benefit, resulting in a lower return than your initial investment, or causing the policy to early terminate.
  10. The policy and any riders attached to shall be terminated if the investment unit redemption value is equal to or lower than zero. The policy may still remain in-force if the policyholder meets the conditions for the Non-Lapse Guarantee feature.


  1. BLA Happy Health - UDR insurance is the marketing name. The appeared name on the policy is Health Insurance Rider BLA Happy Health - UDR and the Endorsement name is Health Insurance Rider BLA Happy Health - UDR (additional benefits).
  2. Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  3. Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  4. A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting or benefits payment consideration
  5. Insurance is in accordance with the company's underwriting conditions
  6. Cost of Insurance for the health insurance rider BLA Happy Health - UDR may be adjusted based on several factors, including the individual's age, occupation, the rising medical treatment costs, or the overall compensation payment experience of the portfolio of this rider.
  7. Cost of Insurance for the health insurance rider BLA Happy Health – UDR is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  8. The territory of coverage according to the coverage benefits of the rider is Thailand
  9. In the event that the insured has claim history in accordance with one of the copayment conditions in the renewal year, the copayment requirements will be added into the coverage agreement (for the new health standard policy which has an effective date starting from 20 March 2025 onwards)
Click to view Benefits for policyholders
  1. The right to cancel policy within 15 days of receiving the policy. The company will refund the policy fees and investment funds based on the investment unit redemption value, after deducting a fee of 500 baht for administrative expenses and the actual health check-up fee (if any).
  2. The right to surrender the policy according to conditions stipulated in the policy while the policy is in force and has a cash surrender value.
  3. The right to be informed of the allocation of premiums invested in mutual funds.
  4. The right to request a prospectus with project details from a life insurance agent / life insurance broker authorized by the company.
  5. The right to receive the names of all asset management companies that manage mutual funds and insurance policies offered by the company.
  6. The right to receive information of the name and address of the company and the asset management companies, including the name, address and identification number of the life insurance agents / life insurance brokers licensed by the company.
  7. The right to receive information on the risks involved in investing in the recommended units. This includes receiving both initial risks information and additional explanations or warnings if necessary.
  8. The right to be informed of any facts that may affect your benefits or influence your investment decisions, such as those related to fund mergers, consolidations, or other relevant changes.
  9. The right to be informed about potential conflicts of interest, such as commissions, bonuses, or other incentives that life insurance agents representing the company may receive from your policy or related transactions including the purchase or deduction of investment units, etc.
  10. The right to express the intention to refuse any further contact for a period of 2 years.
  11. The rights of the unitholders of a unit linked insurance plan under an omnibus account may differ from those subscribing to investment units directly from asset management companies, for instance:
    • In purchasing a unit linked insurance plan, the subscription price of investment units is not quoted on the purchase date as the life insurance application needs to go through the underwriting process after all relevant documents have been submitted. In this respect, the company will proceed to subscribe to the investment units for the client after the policy is approved.
    • Receiving funds related documents may take longer than purchasing units directly from the asset management companies, as the company will deliver such documents to the clients after receiving them from the asset management companies
    • The company will deduct the cost of insurance and monthly policy management fees from automatic redemption of investment units as specified in the policy fee table (See Policy fee table) on a monthly basis.

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.