Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

An endowment policy, build wealth along with stability. Receive annual cash return and dividends upon maturity.

Click to view information of Life Insurance (Par)

To meet the needs of planning in each aspect of life, the endowment insurance with Par is designed to improve your chances of generating higher returns with investment proportion in assets which are different from Non-Participating Product by increasing the investment proportion in high-risk assets along with managed with a dedicated investment portfolio. Expertise and efficiency for aiming in good and appropriate returns in each period.

Comparison of Investment Proportion between Non-Participating and Participating product

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

Investment Strengths

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

Separated investment portfolio*

Participating product portfolio provides investment flexibility for higher chance of receiving higher returns with minimum guarantee return

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

Bottom-Up analysis

For better investment decisions, this results in good and appropriate returns in each period of time

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

Manage and monitor investment portfolio

By experts and efficient management system

* To increase the opportunity to receive higher returns, the company has a policy to invest in high-risk assets for Participating Product in a higher proportion than Non-Participating Product. High-risk assets include common stocks and real estate funds both domestically and internationally, including businesses with long-term high growth prospects such as those in the technology and health sectors.

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Issued age
Newborn – 85
Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Premium payment period
5 years
Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Life coverage up to
Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Total guaranteed benefits throughout the contract
Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Maturity benefit
may receive a dividend(2)
Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
  • Issued age: Newborn - 85 years
  • Minimum sum assured: 50,000 baht
  • Premium payment mode: Annually
  • Underwriting is in accordance with the underwriting conditions of the company
  • Additional riders can be purchased, according to the conditions set by the company
  • In the case of not purchasing additional riders, no examination and no health questions are required
Click to view Benefits and Coverage
Survival Benefits Death Benefits
On the 1st - 3rd policy anniversary, receive 3% cash return The 1st policy year, receive 100%
On the 4th - 6th policy anniversary, receive 4% cash return The 2nd policy year, receive 200 %
On the 7th - 9th policy anniversary, receive 5% cash return The 3rd policy year, receive 300%
On the maturity date, receive 479% cash return The 4th policy year, receive 400%
  The 5th - 10th policy year, receive 500%
Total benefits throughout the contract of 515% and may receive a dividend according to the company’s dividend allocation policy(1)  
(% of the sum assured)

(1) The company may pay dividend to the insured at the policy maturity date. The dividend amount, which the company will allocate 80% for the insured, depends on return on investment from the participating product portfolio throughout the coverage period net of related costs of the policy. The dividend at the policy maturity date differs from product to product, subject to terms and conditions and dividend calculation methods which the company uses at the policy maturity date.

Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

A 35-year-old male in good health would like to purchase a Tax Saver 10/5 (Par) with a 100,000 baht sum assured. He pays an annual premium of 93,300 baht and has a personal income tax rate of 20 percent throughout the contract period.

Unit: baht

Policy year Annual premium
(Beginning of policy year)
Cash return benefit (At policy anniversary) Life coverage Cash surrender value Total eligible cash return before maturity Tax benefits
% of the sum assured Amount % of the sum assured Amount
1 93,300 3% 3,000 100% 100,000 20,300 23,300 18,660
2 93,300 3% 3,000 200% 200,000 70,700 76,700 18,660
3 93,300 3% 3,000 300% 300,000 172,800 181,800 18,660
4 93,300 4% 4,000 400% 400,000 261,100 274,100 18,660
5 93,300 4% 4,000 500% 500,000 365,000 382,000 18,660
6 - 4% 4,000 500% 500,000 364,300 385,300 -
7 - 5% 5,000 500% 500,000 362,500 388,500 -
8 - 5% 5,000 500% 500,000 360,700 391,700 -
9 - 5% 5,000 500% 500,000 358,900 394,900 -
10 - 479% 479,000 500% 500,000 362,000 515,000 -
Total 466,500 515% 515,000 - - - - 93,300
  • The value of cash return benefit, cash surrender value, and eligible cash return before maturity of the contract are based on the value calculated on policy anniversary
  • The eligible cash return before maturity is the sum of the cumulative amount of received cash return and the amount of cash surrender value, calculated on policy anniversary. However, the insured will be assigned the cash surrender value only at the surrender date.

Unit: baht

Summary of benefits (Including dividends) In case of no dividend payment Examples of dividends calculated from average return on investment throughout the contract[2]
3% 4% 5%
1. Total cash return benefits
on the 1st - 9th policy anniversary
36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
2. Maturity benefit
on the 10th policy anniversary
479,000 479,000 479,000 479,000
3. Chance to receive dividend upon maturity[1]
(Non-guaranteed benefits)
- 5,170 35,585 65,999
4. Benefits throughout the contract (1.+2.+3.) 515,000 520,170 550,585 580,999
5. Total premium paid: 5 years 466,500 466,500 466,500 466,500
6. Total benefit that exceeds the total premiums paid (4.-5.)
48,500 53,670 84,085 114,499
7. Total tax deductions: 5 years 93,300 93,300 93,300 93,300
8. Total benefits that exceeds the total premiums paid (Including tax deduction benefits (6.+7.))
141,800 146,970 177,385 207,799

[1] The company may pay dividend to the insured at the policy maturity date. The dividend amount, which the company will allocate 80% for the insured, depends on return on investment from the participating product portfolio throughout the coverage period net of related costs of the policy. The dividend at the policy maturity date differs from product to product, subject to terms and conditions and dividend calculation methods which the company uses at the policy maturity date.

[2] The average return on investment throughout the contract is only one factor used in the dividend calculation. The average return on investment over the contract shown is estimated from the company's average return on investment. The actual return on investment received may be higher or lower than what is shown. The insured should consider the information in the sales offering document before making a decision to purchase a life insurance policy product.

The average return on investment over the contract period is the return that the company receives from the investment of the dividend-paying product assets over the contract period. The annual return on investment can be viewed via

Secure Financial Planning for a Sustainable Future

Example A 35-year-old male in good health would like to purchase a Tax Saver 10/5 (Par) with a coverage period of 10 years. His premium payment period is 5 years with 100,000 baht sum assured. He pays an annual premium of 93,300 baht and has a personal income tax rate of 20 percent throughout the contract period.

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)

(1) The company may pay dividend to the insured at the policy maturity date. The dividend amount, which the company will allocate 80% for the insured, depends on return on investment from the participating product portfolio throughout the coverage period net of related costs of the policy. The dividend at the policy maturity date differs from product to product, subject to terms and conditions and dividend calculation methods which the company uses at the policy maturity date.

(2) In the case of a dividend based on an average investment return of 5% over the policy term, the average investment return over the policy contract is only one factor used in calculating the dividend. Additionally, the average investment return over contract duration is only a factor in dividend calculation and investment return shown herein is estimated from the company’s past experience while actual investment return may be higher or lower. The insured has to consider the details in sale illustration before deciding to purchase life insurance policy.

Tax-Saving Option: Receive Fast Returns

Tax Saver 10/5 (Par): 5-year premium payment period and 10-year coverage period. Ideal for tax-deduction planning: Utilize tax deductions of up to 100,000 baht, in accordance with the criteria set by the Department of Revenue.

Tax Saving 10/5 (Par)
Click to View Coverage Exclusions
  • In the event that the insured does not disclose the true statement or makes a false statement, the company will void the contract within two years from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part. Unless the insured does not have a stake in the insured event, or the declaration of age is inaccurate that the actual age is outside the normal trade premium rate limit.
  • In the event the insured commits suicide within one year from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part, or if murdered by the beneficiary.


  • Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  • Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  • A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting and benefits payment consideration
  • For maximum benefits from the policy, the insured should pay premiums until the premium payment period completes and hold the policy until its maturity
  • Tax Saver 10/5 (Par) premium and health premium (if any) is eligible for tax deductions in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  • Tax Saver 10/5 (Par) is a marketing name of Happy Saving 10/5 (Par)

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.