Bangkok Sood Khoom

An endowment policy, step into every second with confidence. Get a comprehensive protection and a solid savings plan.

Bangkok Sood Khoom
Bangkok Sood Khoom
Issued Age
15 – 65
Bangkok Sood Khoom
Flexible premium payment period
9, 12 or 15 years
Bangkok Sood Khoom
Additional Special Coverage
Special 1 Death or loss of limbs and eyesight due to accident
Special 2 Medical expenses due to accident

​​​Additional Special Coverage

Bangkok Sood Khoom
  • Issued age: 15 - 65 years
  • Starting premium: 200 baht per month
  • Premium payment mode: Annually, semi-annually, quarterly, and monthly
  • Bangkok Sood Khoom consists of:
    - Bangkok Sood Khoom 15/9 : 15-year coverage period, 9-year premium payment period
    - Bangkok Sood Khoom 18/12 : 18-year coverage period, 12-year premium payment period
    - Bangkok Sood Khoom 21/15 : 21-year coverage period, 15-year premium payment period
  • Health check-ups are in accordance with the company's insurance underwriting criteria
  • Additional riders can be purchased, according to the conditions set by the company
Click to view Benefits and Coverage
Coverages Benefits
Bangkok Sood Khoom
Bangkok Sood Khoom
Bangkok Sood Khoom
1. Maturity Benefits Receive 115% Receive 118% Receive 121%
(% of the actual accumulated life insurance premiums paid)
2. Death Benefit Receive 115% Receive 118% Receive 121%
(% of the actual accumulated life insurance premiums paid)
Plus 100% of the sum assured
Additional coverage
3. In an event of death or loss of limbs and eyesight due to accident  
3.1 In an event of accidental death Additional receive 100% of the sum assured
3.2 Loss of limbs and eyesight  
3.2.1 Loss of 2 hands or 2 feet, or 2 eyes Additional receive 100% of the sum assured
3.2.2 Loss of 1 hand and 1 foot, or 1 hand
and 1 eye, or 1 foot and 1 eye
Additional receive 100% of the sum assured
3.2.3 Loss of 1 hand, 1 foot, or 1 eye Additional receive 60% of the sum assured
3.2.4 Loss of the thumb and index finger of the same hand, severed at or above the base of the fingers Additional receive 25% of the sum assured
4. Medical expenses due to accident
(within 52 weeks from the date of accident)
Actual expense, up to 5 times of monthly life insurance premiums
(per time)
  • The company will pay the benefits under Clause 3 if the injury results in death or loss of limbs and eyesight within 180 days from the date of accident or the injured person requires continuous hospitalization as an inpatient and dies as a result of the injury.
  • The benefits under Clause 3 will be reduced by the amount of benefits paid under Clauses 3.2.3 and/or 3.2.4 (if any). Once the company has paid 100% of the sum assured, the coverage under Clause 3 will cease.
  • Loss of a hand or foot means amputation from the wrist or ankle, including the complete and permanent loss of function of that limb as a result of an accident.
  • Loss of eyesight means total blindness with no possibility of recovery.
Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

Example A 35-year-old male in good health would like to purchase a Bangkok Sood Khoom 18/12. His coverage period is 18 years and premium payment period is 12 years. His sum assured is 100,000 baht with a monthly premium of 615 baht.

Bangkok Sood Khoom
Click to View Coverage Exclusions
  • In the event that the insured does not disclose the true statement or makes a false statement, the company will void the contract within two years from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part. Unless the insured does not have a stake in the insured event, or the declaration of age is inaccurate that the actual age is outside the normal trade premium rate limit.
  • In the event the insured commits suicide within one year from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part, or if murdered by the beneficiary.

Examples of exceptions to additional special coverage

In the event of death, loss of limbs or eyesight due to an accident, and in the event of medical expenses due to accident, this insurance plan does not cover any loss or damage arising from or caused by the following:

  • The acts of the insured while being under the influence of alcohol, addictive substances, or narcotics to the extent that the insured is unable to control consciousness. In the case of a blood test, being “under the influence of alcohol” means having a blood alcohol level of 150 milligrams percent or higher
  • Commit suicide, attempted suicide, or self-inflicted injury
  • Back pain due to Herniated disc, Spondylolisthesis, Degeneration, or Spondylosis, Spondylitis, and Spondylolysis except the Fracture or Dislocation of spines occurring due to an accident
  • Murder or intentional assault
  • Medical or surgical treatment unless it is necessary due to an injury that is covered in this rider and the injury is treated within the specified period
  • Declared or undeclared war, invasion, or act of foreign enemies, civil war, uprising, rebellion, riot, strike, disturbance, revolution, coup d'état, declaration of martial law, or any event which will cause the declaration or maintenance of martial law
  • Terrorism


  • Bangkok Sood Khoom 15/9 is a marketing name of Bangkok 15/9
  • Bangkok Sood Khoom 18/12 is a marketing name of Bangkok 18/12
  • Bangkok Sood Khoom 21/15 is a marketing name of Bangkok 21/15
  • Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  • Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  • A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting and benefits payment consideration
  • For maximum benefits from the policy, the insured should pay premiums until the premium payment period completes and hold the policy until its maturity
  • Bangkok Sood Khoom premium and health premium (if any) is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.