Value Health

Good Health…Good Life

A good life...begins with good physical and mental health. Bangkok Life Assurance wishes to see you be out and live every day with peace of mind and stay worry-free. We are ready to be by your side, to take care of you in every moment. We protect you through your times of illness and provide you with comprehensive health services, so that you are ready to run towards your desired goals and harvest the happiness to the fullest in every step of your life.

Because taking good care of your the source of prosperity and sustainability in life.

Value health
Insured age from 11 – 80 years old
Issued age from 11 – 80 years old
Room, board, and hospital service fees up to 5,000 THB per day
Room & board, food, and hospital service fees up to 5,000 baht per day(1)
Surgical doctor and procedures fees up to 400,000 THB
Surgical doctor and procedures fees up to 400,000 baht(2)
Emergency medical expenses coverage for outpatients of accidents 24 hours
Emergency medical expenses coverage for outpatients of accidents 24 hours
Daily compensation
Daily Hospitalization compensation(3)
Dialysis, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy
Dialysis, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy
  • The coverage period and the premium payment period is 1 year. Additional coverage period can be purchased for the same duration as long as your life insurance product that Value Health attached to, remains active, or until you reach the age of 99.
  • Premiums may be paid annually, semi-annually , quarterly or monthly (according to the life insurance contract)
  • Health check-ups are in accordance with the company's underwriting criteria

(1) Standard hospital room benefit under Value Health Plan 5000
(2) Not exceeding the benefits stated on the benefit table of each category coverage under Value Health Plan 5000
(3) This is additional benefits in case where the insured being an inpatient but not exercising an in-patient benefit claim from Value Health Plan 4000 and Plan 5000

Click to view Benefits and Coverage

Unit: Baht

Benefits Plan 2000 Plan 3000 Plan 4000 Plan 5000
1. In-patient benefits
Group 1 Hospital daily room & board, food and hospital service charges (in-patient) per confinement, not exceeding 125 days 2,000 per day 3,000 per day 4,000 per day 5,000 per day
  In the event of ICU, such benefit will be paid for hospital daily room & board, food and hospital service charges (in-patient), will be twice paid for a maximum of 15 days, total benefit under Group 1 must not exceed 125 days
Group 2 Fees for medical service, diagnosis, treatment, blood services, nurse services, medicine, intravenous nutrient, and medical supplies, per confinement Must not exceed 25,000 with all Group 2 benefits combined Must not exceed 30,000 with all Group 2 benefits combined Must not exceed 200,000 with all Group 2 and Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined Must not exceed 400,000 with all Group 2 and Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined
Subgroup 2.1 Medical service fees for diagnosis 25,000 30,000 As charged As charged
Subgroup 2.2 Treatment medical services, blood services and nursing services
Subgroup 2.3 Medicine, intravenous nutrition and medical supplies
Subgroup 2.4 Expenses for Home medication and medical supplies (Medical Supply 1), per admission, net exceeding 7 days 1,000
Group 3 Fees for medical professional services (physician), examination, physical services per confinement, not exceeding 125 days 800 per day 800 per day 1,000 per day 1,200 per day
Group 4 Fees for surgery and procedures per confinement Must not exceed 60,000 with all Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined Must not exceed 100,000 with all Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined Must not exceed 200,000 with all Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined Must not exceed 400,000 with all Subgroup 4.1-4.4 benefits combined
Subgroup 4.1 Operating or medical procedure room 60,000 100,000 As charged As charged
Subgroup 4.2 Medicine, intravenous nutrition and medical supplies and surgical devices
Subgroup 4.3 Medical professional services of surgery & procedure physician (and assistant) (Doctor fee), according to the doctor fee guideline
Subgroup 4.4 Physician fees-Anesthesiology Doctor fee, according to the doctor fee guideline
Subgroup 4.5 Medical expenses for organ transplantation are covered as charged (Limited 1 time per lifetime for this rider) 120,000 200,000 200,000 400,000
Group 5 Day Surgery As charged (considered as an in-patient benefit)
2. Out-patient benefits
Group 6 Fees for diagnosis pre-and-post hospitalization or fees for OPD follow up treatment, which are directly related to hospitalization, per confinement 3,000 3,500 5,000 5,000
Group 6.1 Fees for diagnosis directly related to in-patient treatment within 30 days pre-and-post hospitalization
Group 6.2 Fees for OPD follow up treatment (per admission) within 30 days after hospital discharge (excluding fees for diagnosis)
Group 7 Fees for OPD treatment of injury within 24 hours of each accident 4,000 6,000 8,000 8,000
Group 8 Fee for each of the post-treatment rehabilitation per confinement Not covered
Group 9 Medical services fees for chronic kidney failure treatment by-hemodialysis per policy year 20,000 35,000 50,000 50,000
Group 10 Medical services fees for tumour or cancer treatment by radiation therapy, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, per policy year
Group 11 Medical services fees for cancer treatment by chemotherapy including targeted therapy per policy year
Group 12 Emergency ambulance fees per time 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
Group 13 Medical expenses for minor surgery treatment per time 6,000 9,000 10,000 10,000
Deductible None
Additional benefits
3. Daily Hospitalization Compensation in case of in-patient but not exercising an in-patient benefit claim (not exceeding 10 days per policy year) Not covered 1,000 per day
Maximum benefits per policy year None
Example: Standard annual premium for male aged 30 year-old 5,464 7,596 11,662 14,014
Example: Standard annual premium for female aged 30 year-old 7,279 9,276 13,994 15,416
Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

Worthy...with protection

Start planning your health protection for yourself today with Value Health insurance. Value Health allows you to pay premiums comfortably and get comprehensive and cost-effective protection. Stay worry-free about medical expenses.

Example: A 30-year-old female in good health. She works as a merchant and plans for health insurance to reduce medical expenses in case she occurs illness and looking forward for a worthy insurance premium. Hence, she's interested in applying for Value Health Plan 4000, with annual premium of 13,994 baht.

Value Health

Worthy…for every moment of life

Value Health
Click to View Coverage Exclusions

Value Health Rider

Pre-existing conditions of chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) that has not been treated prior to the date this Rider becomes effective for the first time, unless:

  • The insured has disclosed the pre-existing conditions to the company and the company has agreed to accept the risk without the coverage exclusion; or
  • Chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) is asymptomatic, has not been treated or diagnosed by a doctor, or has not been seen or consulted by a doctor within 5 years prior to the first effective date of the rider and during 3 years from the date this rider becomes effective for the first time

Waiting period for

  • Any illnesses occurring within 30 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later or
  • Any of the following illnesses occurring within 120 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later such as
Tumors, cysts or all types of cancer Hemorrhoid All types of hernia Pterygium or cataract
Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy All types of stones Varicose veins in the legs Endometriosis
  • Tumors, cysts or all types of cancer
  • Hemorrhoid
  • All types of hernia
  • Pterygium or cataracts
  • Tonsillectomy or adenoids
  • All kinds of stones
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Endometrial hyperplasia

Value Health Rider

This plan does not cover for any medical expenses or damages caused by injury or illness (including the complications), or any resulting symptoms or abnormal conditions caused by:

  1. Conditions that are caused by congenital abnormalities, or congenital organ system defects, or genetic disorders, or growth development abnormalities
  2. Diagnosis and treatment or cosmetic surgery or skin treatments, acne, melasma spots, freckles, dandruff, hair fall, or weight control, or optional surgery, except the construction of wound was caused by an accident under coverage
  3. Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, pregnant complications, infertility (including analysis and treatment), sterilization or birth control
  4. Commit suicide, attempted suicide, or self-inflicted injury
  5. Injury sustaining while the Insured is under the influence of alcohol, addictive substance, narcotic drugs to the extent that the persons faculties to operate are materially and appreciably impaired. The term “under the influence of alcohol” in case of having a blood test refers to a blood/alcohol level of 150 milligram percent and over.
  6. AIDS, venereal diseases, or sexual transmitted diseases


  1. Value Health health insurance consists of Value Health rider and an endorsement attached to the Value Health rider (other additional benefits)
  2. Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  3. Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  4. A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting or benefits payment consideration
  5. Insurance underwriting is in accordance with the company's underwriting conditions
  6. Value Health health insurance premiums may be adjusted based on several factors, including the individual's age, occupation, the rising medical treatment costs, or the overall compensation payment experience of the portfolio of this additional rider
  7. Value Health health insurance premiums is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  8. The territory of according to the coverage benefits of the rider is Thailand
  9. In the event that the insured has claim history in accordance with one of the copayment conditions in the renewal year, the copayment requirements will be added into the coverage agreement (for the new health standard policy which has an effective date starting from 20 March 2025 onwards)

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.