Prestige Health Unlock

Good Health…Good Life

A good life...begins with good physical and mental health. Bangkok Life Assurance wishes to see you be out and live every day with peace of mind and stay worry-free. We are ready to be by your side, to take care of you in every moment. We protect you through your times of illness and provide you with comprehensive health services, so that you are ready to run towards your desired goals and harvest the happiness to the fullest in every step of your life.

Because taking good care of your the source of prosperity and sustainability in life.

Prestige health
Issued age: 11-80
Issued age: 11-80 years
Inpatient and outpatient benefits coverage, up to 200 million baht
In-patient and out-patient benefits coverage, up to 200 million baht(4)
Coverage period up to age of 99
Coverage period up to age of 99
Select your protection plan: with / without deductible
Select your protection plan: with / without deductible(5)
Covers hospital room fees up to 25,000 baht per day
Covers hospital room fees up to 25,000 baht per day(2) or a standard single room(3) whichever is higher

(1) In the case of choosing global coverage area
(2) For the 200 million baht coverage plan
(3) “Standard single room" means the starting price for an in-patient private room at a hospital for in-patient confinement in Thailand only
(4) Maximum benefit per policy year for the 200 million baht coverage plan
(5) “Deductible” means to the first part of the damage that the insured must be responsible according to the terms of the insurance contract in the coverage area of Thailand only

  • Issued age 11-80 years
  • The coverage period and the premium payment period for this plan are both 1 year. Additional coverage period can be purchased for the same duration as long as your life insurance product attached to your Prestige Health Unlock plan remains active, or until you reach the age of 99
  • Choose your own the premium payment mode: annually, 6-monthly, 3-monthly, or monthly (according to the main life insurance contract)
  • One person can only have one active Prestige Health Unlock policy
  • The health examination is in accordance with the company's underwriting criteria

Unlock more protection for more benefits

Unlock standard single room coverage
Unlock standard single room coverage(1)
  • Standard single room coverage(1) or a room of any type,
    up to 8,000-25,000 baht per day, whichever is higher.
Unlock an access to advanced medical technology coverage
Unlock an access to advanced medical technology coverage
  • Targeted Therapy for cancer coverage
  • Advanced medical technology treatment coverage, such as cancer treatment by immunotherapy, Stem Cell Therapy, or other advanced treatment methods(2)
Unlock a protection that provides more than just treatment for your unique needs
Unlock a protection that provides more than just treatment for your unique needs
  • Compensation for critically illness
  • Benefits of alternative medicine such as acupuncture, naturopathy, bone and muscle therapy, chiropractic, and Chinese medicine.
  • Annual health check-up fees, vaccination fees, psychiatric treatments
  • Dental examination and treatment fees
Unlock a protection plan by adding deductible
Unlock a protection plan by adding deductible
  • Choose your coverage plan: with / without deductible(3)
  • Enjoy a freedom to flexibly adjust your deductible coverage plan to maximize your welfare benefits(4).
Unlock the confidence to your anywhere peace of mind
Unlock the confidence to your anywhere peace of mind
  • Choose your own coverage area: Thailand/Asia/Worldwide, except USA and United States Minor Outlying Islands/Worldwide

The coverage terms and conditions are specified in the insurance policy issued to the policyholder. Coverage value must not exceed the benefits specified in the Table of Benefits for each coverage category of Prestige Health Unlock health insurance.

(1) “Standard single room" means the starting price for an inpatient private room at a hospital for inpatient confinement in Thailand only.
(2) Such advanced medical technologies must be certified by the Royal Academy of Thailand under the recognization of the Medical Council of Thailand which oversees the relevant medical fields.
(3) “Deductible” means to the first part of the damage that the insured must be responsible according to the terms of the insurance contract in the coverage area of Thailand only.
(4) Only policyholders between the ages of 55 and 65 with continuous 5-year coverage under their current deductible plan can upgrade to the no-deductible plan within their original coverage plan. However, the conditions are in accordance set by the company.

Prestige Health Unlock

The coverage terms and conditions are specified in the insurance policy issued to the policyholder. Coverage value must not exceed the benefits specified in the Table of Benefits for each coverage category of Prestige Health Unlock health insurance.

(1) For the100 million baht coverage plan and above
(2) For the 50 million baht coverage plan and above

Click to view Benefits and Coverage

Unit: Baht

Coverage Plan 20 million
baht plan
30 million
baht plan
50 million
baht plan
100 million
baht plan
200 million
baht plan
Coverage Area Thailand Thailand/Asia/Worldwide, except USA and United States Minor Outlying Islands/Worldwide
1. In-patient benefits
Group 1 Room and board and in-hospital services (in-patient) per confinement
(Standard single room rate applies for a hospital admission in Thailand only.)
8,000 Baht
per day
10,000 Baht
per day
12,000 Baht
per day
15,000 Baht
per day
25,000 Baht
per day
or standard single room rate whichever is higher
  In the event of ICU, such benefit will be paid for hospital daily room & board, food and hospital service charges (in-patient),
combined with Group 1, must not exceeding 365 days
As charged
Group 2 Medical service for diagnosis or treatment, blood service and blood component, nurse service, medicine, parenteral nutrition, and medical supply per policy year As charged
Subgroup 2.1 Medical service fees for diagnosis
Subgroup 2.2 Medical service fees for treatment, blood services and blood component, and nursing service
(not exceeding 30 days per disease for physical therapy and occupational therapy)
Subgroup 2.3 Medicine, intravenous nutrition and medical supplies
Subgroup 2.4 Take-home medicine and medical supplies (Medical Supply 1), not exceeding 30 days
Group 3 Medical professional service of examination physician per confinement, not exceeding 365 days
Group 4 Medical expense for operation (surgery) and procedures per policy year
Subgroup 4.1 Operating or medical procedure room
Subgroup 4.2 Medicine, intravenous nutrition, medical supplies and surgical devices
Subgroup 4.3 Fees for medical professional services of surgery & procedure physician (and assistant) (Doctor fee)
Subgroup 4.4 Fees for medical professional service of anesthetist (Doctor fee)
Subgroup 4.5 Medical expenses for organ transplantation are covered as charged
Group 5 Major Surgery as an out-patient (Day Surgery)
2. Out-patient benefits
Group 6 Medical service for a directly related diagnosis pre- and post-hospitalization or continuous and directly related out-patient medical expense post-hospitalization per policy year As charged
Subgroup 6.1 Medical service for a directly related diagnosis occurring within 30 days pre- and post-hospitalization
Subgroup 6.2 Out-patient medical expense post-hospitalization per time for continuous treatment within 30 days after discharge (excluding fee for medical service for diagnosis)
Group 7 Out-patient medical expense for injury within 24 hours of each accident
Group 8 Post-hospitalization rehabilitation per policy year (1 time per day within 60 days after discharge)
Group 9 Medical service for chronic kidney failure treatment – dialysis per policy year
Group 10 Medical service for tumor or cancer treatment – radiotherapy, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine therapy per policy year
Group 11 Medical services fees for cancer treatment by chemotherapy including targeted therapy per policy year
Group 12 Emergency ambulance fee
Group 13 Medical expense on minor surgery
Additional benefits
3. Benefit extension to include Speech therapy in Subgroup 2.2 at maximum of 30 days per disease and group 8 at maximum of 1 time per day within 60 days after hospital discharge. As charged
4. Orthopedic braces or durable medical devices which are necessary while getting sick or injured or prosthesis (per the insured’s lifetime for the rider that this endorsement is attached to) 50,000 baht 100,000 baht 200,000 baht 300,000 baht 400,000 baht
5. Private nurse fees as recommended by a doctor after the admission, not exceeding 60 days per policy year As charged
6. Non-IPD Benefit Extension
  • Out-patient medical expense for continuous treatment of injury within 15 days after the date of accidental injury
  • Dental care due to accidental injury
  • Advanced imaging
7. Doctor Consultation and Medical Service for Diagnosis Before Undergo Cancer Treatment by Targeted Therapy
8. Crisis Reliever Benefit (1 time per lifetime of the insured for the rider that this endorsement is attached to) (Benefits are not included in the maximum sum assured per policy year) 500,000 baht
9. OPD Benefit
  • Medical professional service fee of general practitioner and specialized physician in case of out-patient including fees for lab test and medicine per policy year (maximum 1 time per day)
  • Rehabilitation in OPD department per policy year (maximum 1 time per day)
Not covered 50,000 baht 100,000 baht As charged
  • Alternative medicine per policy year
5,000 baht 10,000 baht 50,000 baht
10. Special benefits
  • Annual check-up per policy year
  • Vaccination per policy year
  • Outpatient psychiatric treatment per policy year
Not covered 15,000 baht 50,000 baht
  • Dental examination treatment fees per policy year
10,000 baht 40,000 baht
11. Coverage Extension for Medical Evolution Treatment certified by Thailand’s royal college listed in the Medical Council of Thailand (For benefit group 1-13 of this rider and additional benefits, excluding the Crisis Reliever benefit) As charged
12. Hospital Income Benefit in case of in-patient but not exercising an in-patient benefit claim (not exceeding 10 days per policy year) (For Non-Deductible Plan) 2,000 baht per day
Maximum benefit per policy year 20 million
30 million
50 million
100 million
200 million
Deductible per policy year for benefit Group 1 – 6 (For the territory of coverage within Thailand only) - 50,000 baht - 50,000 baht - 100,000 baht - 100,000 baht - 100,000 baht
Example Standard annual premium for male and female aged 35, with Thailand as an area of coverage 34,395 baht 23,486 baht 35,552 baht 24,254 baht 52,572 baht 35,085 baht 85,610 baht 66,501 baht 126,022 baht 103,684 baht

The sum of benefits in Group 1 -13 and the extended clauses must not exceed the maximum benefit per policy year.
Note: Endorsement with outpatient medical service fees coverage benefit package (OPD Sabuyjai Prestige) can be additionally purchased and attached to Prestige Health Unlock 20 million baht and 30 million baht coverage plans. However, the conditions are in accordance set by the company.

  • Each individual can purchase only one Prestige Health Unlock policy and is eligible to select only one are of coverage. Premium costs will vary based on the chosen area.
  • Area of coverage in Asia includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan Vietnam, and Thailand


Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

A healthy 35-year-old lady who works and lives primarily in Thailand wants to receive a health protection that covers various illnesses comprehensively and to gain access to advanced medical technology treatments in the future. She applies for Prestige Health Unlock with 100 million baht coverage plan and the area of coverage is Thailand.

Prestige Health Unlock

The coverage terms and conditions are specified in the insurance policy issued to the policyholder. Coverage amount must not exceed the benefits specified in the Table of Benefits for each coverage category of Prestige Health Unlock health insurance.

(1) “Standard single room" means the starting price for an inpatient private room at a hospital for inpatient confinement in Thailand only.
(2) Coverage amount must not exceed the benefits specified in the Table of Benefits for each coverage category of Prestige Health Unlock health insurance.
(3) Only policyholders between the ages of 55 and 65 with continuous 5-year coverage under their current deductible plan can upgrade to the no-deductible option within their original coverage plan. However, the conditions are in accordance set by the company.

Click to View Coverage Exclusions

Prestige Health Unlock Rider

Pre-existing medical conditions before the effective date: for any chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) which has not been fully cured prior to the first effective date of this rider except;

  • The insured has disclosed the pre-existing conditions to the company and the company has agreed to accept the risk without the coverage exclusion; or
  • Chronic disease, injury or illness (including complications) is asymptomatic, has not been treated or diagnosed by a doctor, or has not been seen or consulted by a doctor within 5 years prior to the first effective date of the rider and during 3 years from the date this rider becomes effective for the first time.

Waiting Period

  • Any illnesses occurring within 30 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later or
  • Any of the following illnesses occurring within 120 days from the effective date of this rider or the date on which the company approves the additional benefits of this rider, whichever date is later such as
Tumors, cysts, or any type of cancer Hemorrhoid All types of hernia Pterygium or cataract
Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy. All types of stones Varicose veins in the legs Endometriosis
  • Tumors, cysts, or any type of cancer
  • Hemorrhoid
  • All types of hernia
  • Pterygium or cataract
  • Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy.
  • All types of stones
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Endometriosis

Prestige Health Unlock Additional Rider

This rider does not cover any expenses incurred from hospital treatment or any damages incurred from injuries, or illness (including any complications), symptoms or abnormalities arising from:

  1. Conditions that are caused by congenital anomalies, or congenital organ system defects, or genetic disorders, or pervasive development disorders
  2. Cosmetic surgery or any other treatments for skin beauty purposes, pimple and blemish treatments, dandruff and hair fall treatments, or weight control, or elective surgeries
  3. Pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth, any pregnancy complications, infertility resolution (including diagnosis and treatment), sterilization or birth control
  4. Suicide, suicide attempt, or self-inflicted injuries
  5. Injuries arising while under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs or substance up to the state of insanity or psychiatric or psychological disturbance. “While under the influence of alcohol” means the blood test shows alcohol level from 150 milligram percent and over.
  6. AIDS, venereal diseases or sexual transmitted diseases

Under this endorsement, the company will not pay benefits for illnesses occurring within 90 days of the rider's effective date, or the date the company approves an increase in additional benefits under this rider which this endorsement is attached to, whichever occurs later. This exclusion for advanced medical technologies treatments applies to any extended coverage under this endorsement.

After the initial one-year period, the company will pay benefits for the of annual health check-up and vaccination fees. Treatment for psychiatric disorders and dental examination and treatment fees are both covered, with a waiting period of either 30 days after effective date of the rider which this endorsement attached to or the date the company approves an increase in additional benefits under this rider which this endorsement is attached to, whichever occurs later.

This coverage does not cover dental examination and treatment fees for claims arising from these causes:

  1. A mouth guard or any other dental equipments
  2. Dental implant placement with preparatory procedures, trial placement of dental devices and crowning on dental implants
  3. Teeth whitening or braces
  4. Cosmetic dentistry that is not essential for maintaining or promoting oral health
  5. Specialized treatment, meaning dental procedures requiring the expertise of specialists
  6. Impacted tooth removal
  7. Procedures related to the maintenance or repair of tooth gems
  8. Any treatment resulting from damage or injury sustained during training or sports competitions, unless approved mouth protection is worn as instructed
  9. Fees for medical equipment and artificial limbs, including dental implants


  1. Prestige Health Unlock health insurance consists of Prestige Health Unlock rider and an endorsement to the Prestige Health Unlock rider (other additional benefits)
  2. Information on the website is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  3. Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  4. A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting or benefits payment consideration
  5. Insurance underwriting is in accordance with the company's underwriting conditions
  6. Prestige Health Unlock health insurance premiums may be adjusted based on several factors, including the individual's age, occupation, the rising medical treatment costs, or the overall compensation payment experience of the portfolio of this additional rider
  7. Prestige Health Unlock health insurance premiums is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  8. In the event that the insured has claim history in accordance with one of the copayment conditions in the renewal year, the copayment requirements will be added into the coverage agreement (for the new health standard policy which has an effective date starting from 20 March 2025 onwards)

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.