Get Ready To Handle Critical Illnesses Feel Assured With More Coverage
Coverage for 6 groups of critical illnesses, altogether 47 diseases
Receive highest benefits of 100% of sum assured per 1 group of critical illnesses when diagnosed that you are ill with a critical illness from any of the covered group and receive continuous coverage for the remaining groups*
Receive highest coverage of 600% of sum assured (in case the assured becomes sick from Group 6 critical illnesses which first occur before the assured fully attains the age of 17 years).
*Coverage of critical illnesses in any of the Groups for which the Company has paid 100% full benefits of the assured sum will immediately cease to be effective for the coverage of that critical illness group. In case the Company has not paid the benefits or has not paid the full 100% of the assured sum, the coverage of the dread disease in that group will still be in force, and the remaining benefits will be equal to the assured sum deducted by the amount of benefits which the Company has paid (if any).
The coverage period and premium payment period are one year. The policy may be renewed for a period equivalent to the coverage period of life insurance contract, up to the age of 79 years old.
BLA Super Care Rider must be purchased with a life insurance contract with a minimum sum assured of 100,000 baht
The minimum sum assured for BLA Super Care Rider is 100,000 baht, which can be purchased for more than one rider, provided that the total amount of sum assured for all riders must not exceed 10,000,000 baht, and when combined with other critical illness riders, the total amount sum assured must not exceed 10,000,000 baht per insured.
Be able to purchase with a new policy or an existing policy that remains effective
Health check-ups are in accordance with the company’s underwriting criteria
View Critical Illnesses Coverage
BLA Super Care Rider covering 6 groups of critical illnesses, totally 47 diseases
Group 1 : Cancer and tumor
Invasive Cancer
Benign Brain Tumor
Group 2 : Cardiovascular and consequences
Acute Heart Attack
Stroke Requiring Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery
Surgery to Aorta
Coronary Artery Disease Requiring Angioplasty
Stroke Treatment by Carotid Angioplasty and Stent Placement
Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment by Endovascular Coiling
Coronary Artery By-pass Surgery
Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Major Stroke
Cerebral Aneurysm Requiring Brain Surgery
Open Heart Surgery for the Heart Valve
Group 3 : Diseases of organs and main function system
Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease / End-stage Lung Disease
Major Organs Transplantation or Bone Marrow Transplantation