Life Insurance

Prestige Saving 12/6

An endowment insurance that perfectly meets your future life goals. Feel confident with guaranteed cash return benefits and solid foundation, along with worthwhile life and accident coverage throughout the contract.

Prestige Saving 12/6
Issued age
Newborn to 85 years old
Prestige Saving 12/6
Coverage period
12 years
Prestige Saving 12/6
Premium payment period
6 years
Prestige Saving 12/6
Guaranteed total benefits throughout the contract
Prestige Saving 12/6
General death benefits receive up to
Prestige Saving 12/6
Accidental death benefits receive an additional
Prestige Saving 12/6
  • Issued age: Newborn to 85 years old
  • Coverage period 12 years and premium payment period 6 years
  • Minimum sum assured: 300,000 baht
  • Premium payment mode: Annually
  • Prestige Saving 12/6 consists of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract and BLA ADB rider
  • The company provides coverage for BLA ADB rider without charging a premium for the insured whom the company insures at a standard rate. However, it is subject to the company's underwriting criteria.
  • No medical examination or health questions are required
Click to view Benefits and Coverage

Prestige Saving 12/6 Life Insurance Contract

Survival Benefits General Death Benefits
From the 1st to 11th policy anniversaries, receive an annual cash return of 6%. At the maturity date, receive a cash return of 620%. Total benefits throughout the contract of 686%
On the 1st policy year, receive 100%
On the 2nd policy year, receive 200%
On the 3rd policy year, receive 300%
On the 4th policy year, receive 400%
On the 5th policy year, receive 500%
From the 6th to 12th policy years, receive 600%
(% of the sum assured) (% of the sum assured or the actual accumulated
life insurance premium paid, whichever is higher)


Accidental Death Benefits
Receive an additional 300% of the sum assured
of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, up to a maximum of 6 million baht
Click to view the examples Benefits and Coverage

A healthy 35-year-old woman applies for Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance with a sum assured of 500,000 baht and an annual premium of 479,000 baht. She has a personal income tax rate of 20% throughout the contract.

Unit : Baht

(at the beginning of policy year)
Guaranteed Cash
Return Benefits

(at the policy anniversary)(1)
Life Coverage Policy
cash returns
the rights
In the event of
general death(2)
In the event of
accidental death(3)
to be
in the event
of accidental
Saving 12/6
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
% Amount % Amount % Amount
1 479,000 479,000 0 479,000 6% 30,000 100% 500,000 300% 1,500,000 2,000,000 93,500 123,500 20,000
2 479,000 958,000 0 958,000 6% 30,000 200% 1,000,000 300% 1,500,000 2,500,000 329,000 389,000 20,000
3 479,000 1,437,000 0 1,437,000 6% 30,000 300% 1,500,000 300% 1,500,000 3,000,000 808,000 898,000 20,000
4 479,000 1,916,000 0 1,916,000 6% 30,000 400% 2,000,000 300% 1,500,000 3,500,000 1,231,500 1,351,500 20,000
5 479,000 2,395,000 0 2,395,000 6% 30,000 500% 2,500,000 300% 1,500,000 4,000,000 1,734,000 1,884,000 20,000
6 479,000 2,874,000 0 2,874,000 6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,107,000 2,287,000 20,000
7         6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,117,000 2,327,000  
8         6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,127,000 2,367,000  
9         6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,137,000 2,407,500  
10         6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,148,000 2,448,000  
11         6% 30,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,159,000 2,489,000  
12         620% 3,100,000 600% 3,000,000 300% 1,500,000 4,500,000 2,200,000 3,430,000  
Total 2,874,000 2,874,000 686% 3,430,000   120,000

(1) % of the sum assured of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract

(2) % of the sum assured or the actual accumulated life insurance premium paid, whichever is higher, under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract

(3) 300% of the sum assured of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, and when combining the sum assured of all BLA ADB riders under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance must not exceed a maximum of 6 million baht

(4) The total benefits received in the event of accidental death are calculated as a percentage of the sum assured or the actual accumulated life insurance premium paid, whichever is higher, under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, plus 300% of the sum assured of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, and when combining the sum assured of all BLA ADB riders under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance must not exceed a maximum of 6 million baht.

  • Guaranteed cash return, surrender value, and cash return requested according to the rights before maturity are calculated at the policy anniversary date
  • Cash return requested according to the rights before maturity refers to the sum of all cash return benefits received, and the surrender value calculated at the policy anniversary date. However, at the time of surrender, the insured will receive only the surrender value.
  • BLA ADB rider is a rider that the company provides coverage without charging a premium for the insured whom the company insures at a standard rate. However, the company reserves the rights to consider underwriting such rider, according to the company’s underwriting criteria.

Unit : Baht

Summary of benefits from tax deductionsthroughout the contract Before tax deduction After tax deduction
1. Total premiums of 6 years 2,874,000 2,754,000
2. Cash returns from the 1st to 11th policy anniversaries, totally 11 times 330,000 330,000
3. Maturity benefit 3,100,000 3,100,000
4. Total benefits throughout the contract (2. + 3.) 3,430,000 3,430,000
Benefits exceeding premium paid (4. - 1.) 556,000 676,000

Encompass both life and accident coverage with high sum assured.

Example: a healthy 35-year-old woman applies for Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance with a coverage period of 12 years, a premium payment period of 6 years, a sum assured of 500,000 baht, and an annual premium of 479,000 baht.

1In the event of being alive until maturity

Prestige Saving 12/6

2In the event of death during the policy year (for example, death during the 10th policy year)

Prestige Saving 12/6

(1) In the event of general death, from the 6th to 12th policy years, the company will pay 600% of the sum assured or the actual accumulated life insurance premium paid, whichever is higher, under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract.

(2) In the event of accidental death, the company will pay the coverage of BLA ADB rider equivalent to 300% of the sum assured of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, and when combining the sum assured of all BLA ADB riders under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance must not exceed a maximum of 6 million baht.

(3) The maximum total coverage in the event of accidental death during the 6th to 12th policy years is calculated from 600% of the sum assured or the actual accumulated life insurance premium paid, whichever is higher, under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, plus 300% of the sum assured of Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract, and when combining the sum assured of all BLA ADB riders under Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance must not exceed a maximum of 6 million baht.

Click to View Coverage Exclusions

Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance contract

  • In the event that the insured does not disclose the true statement or makes a false statement, the company will void the contract within two years from the effective date under the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part, unless the insured does not have a stake in the insured event, or the declaration of age is inaccurate leading the actual age to be outside of the normal trade premium rate limit.
  • In the event the insured commits suicide within one year from the effective date of the insurance policy, or upon renewal, or upon reinstatement, or upon the date the company approves the increase of the sum assured only for the additional part, or is murdered by the beneficiary.

BLA ADB rider

The coverage under the rider does not cover any loss or damage arising at the time or in consequence of the following causes:

  • While the insured is driving or riding a motorcycle
  • The acts of the insured while being under the influence of alcohol, addictive substances, or narcotics to the extent that the insured is unable to control consciousness. In the case of a blood test, being “under the influence of alcohol” means having a blood alcohol level of 150 milligrams percent or over.
  • Commit suicide, attempted suicide, or self-inflicted injury
  • While the insured competes in a variety of races such as boat races, horse races, and ski races such as jet ski races, skate races, boxing, and parachute jumping (except survival parachute jumping). While taking off, landing, or traveling in a hot air balloon, or hang glider, bungee jumping, scuba diving with an air tank and underwater breathing apparatus.
  • Back pain caused by a Disc Herniation, Spondylolisthesis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylosis and Defects or pathology in the Pars Interarticularis (Spondylolysis), except if there is a fracture or dislocation of the spine due to an accident


  1. This advertising media is only a summary of preliminary benefits. Please read the details of the coverage conditions and exclusions before deciding to purchase any insurance products. The coverage conditions and complete exclusions can be inquired from your agents or from your life insurance policy details.
  2. Premiums payment is the responsibility of the insured. Premium collection by life insurance agents and brokers is a service only
  3. A health declaration is one of the factors for underwriting or benefits payment consideration
  4. For maximum benefits from the policy, the insured should pay premium until the premium payment period completes and hold the policy until its maturity
  5. Prestige Saving 12/6 life insurance premium is eligible for tax deduction in accordance with the announcement from the Revenue Department
  6. The examples of coverage exclusions under BLA ADB rider are part of the coverage exclusions under BLA ADB rider and are subject to the insurance’s terms and conditions

For more details, please contact our life insurance agents or financial advisors nationwide.